Poker Tournaments


Poker Tournaments

Poker tournaments are scheduled events which commence at a predetermined start time and requiring participating players to purchase entry tickets to the event. All players commence at the same time with the same number of chips and can take part in the tournament until they eliminated by losing all of their chips. At the end of the tournament, the remaining players are paid on a descending scale from the top winning player right down to the player occupying the final spot.

Stack Sizes

There are two important factors that will influence your performance when you are playing in a tournament. The first is the size of your stack which is measured in relation to the blinds and in comparison to the average stack size. The more chips you buy, the higher the risk you can assume. The second factor relates to the stage of the tournament.

Stages of a Tournament

Early Stage The Early Stage of the tournament sees all playersat equal footing with a lot of experience and plenty of chips in relation to the blinds. Players are encouraged to play tight-aggressive poker at this stage and ensure that they make it through this early stage with above average chips which will make it easier to maneuver within the middle stage.

Middle Stage In the Middle Stage of the tournament, the game moves from being deep-stacked with lots of chips in comparison to the blinds to short stacked chips towards the end of this stage. As the chips begin to gain more value, each round of blinds brings players closer to elimination. The goal at this stage is simply to stay alive and players will have to steal the blinds in order to protect their chips and get into the money or the final stage of the game.

Late Stage The Late Stage of the tournament is made up of many players with a limited number of chips and very few players with a lot of chips. It is at this stage that players are willing to gamble aggressively aiming only for the win without worrying about going bust.


Poker Tournaments Rules

i) After the random draw players are assigned to specific seats around the tournament table.

ii) After play resumes, players are not allowed to change their seats unless with the approval of the director.

iii) At the beginning of the tournament, each paid participant receives a specific number of chips.

iv) If a paid entrant is absent, reasonable effort will be made to locate the player. If contact is made with the player and he requests for the chips to be left in his place, his request will be honored.

v) If the player cannot be contacted, the chips may be discarded at any time after a new betting round has commenced of after half an hour whichever occurs first.

vi) Blinds and limits can be raised at scheduled regular intervals and the new limits become applicable on the next round.

vii) Cards are dealt in a clockwise direction beginning with the player occupying seat No. 1 who receives all their cards before any cards are dealt to the next player.

viii) There are more than six tables and the number of players at each table is kept reasonably balanced. Players may be transferred to another table as needed in order to maintain this balance.

ix) All players who are eliminated from an event are required to vacate their seats immediately.

x) Players are not allowed to show their cards in the middle of a session (unless only 2 players remain in the game) because this can prejudice the rights of other players who are still competing in the tournament.

xi) Players must avoid indulging in inappropriate behavior such as disruptive conduct, tormenting other players or throwing cards from the table. Such players may be penalised by expulsion from the tournament or may be kept out of a round for a specific period of time.

xii) Players may not request the dealer to change the deck of cards, the deck will only be changed when the dealer changes or if there is a damaged card.

xiii) If a player declares his intention to rebuy before cards are dealt, he will be obliged to make the rebuy.

xiv) The remaining finalists in a tournament are allowed to make their own private agreements or side bets regarding the redistribution of the prize pot. However, the director may at his own discretion ensure that such an agreement once made is adhered to. A private agreement which by its very nature excludes active participants or removes all of the prize money from being at stake in the competition is considered unethical and therefore invalid.

xv) Management also reserves the right to terminate any event, or change it in a manner that will ensure that the competition is fair and transparent to all the participating players.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]