SA players notice

Due to a recent court ruling of the North Gauteng Gambling Board vs Piggs Peak Casino, the legality of online gambling – in its many different forms is currently somewhat unclear for players who are based in South Africa. Piggs Peak Casino has said it will appeal the decision and will continue to offer its services to players in South Africa in the mean time from their servers in Swaziland. Also, there is draft legislation which provides for licensing of online gaming and gambling providers, but this legislation has not yet been signed into law.

Given the somewhat unclear situation at present with regards to the legality of online gaming and gambling for players based in South Africa, we ask all visitors from South Africa to leave this website immediately. We wil not be held responsible for your actions on this website or on websites we might link out to. We advise you to be conservative and consider gambling illegal for players based in South Africa until the legal situation is more clear or the new legislation is signed into law.